Ashley S
Class: Junior

Major: Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Hometown: Irvine, CA

FAVORITE PART OF CAL GAME DAY: The best part of Cal game days is WINNING.

FAVORITE CAL TRADITION: My favorite Cal tradition is the one being started this year: a Cal Cheer Squad that stunts! ;)

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO IN BERKELEY? I love to EAT good food with good friends.

WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST EXPERIENCE AT CAL? My greatest experience at Cal was making cheer obviously!

FAVORITE QUOTE: "Come here, it's a secret, Asante sana, squash banana, we we nugu, mi mi apana!" - Rafiki from The Lion King

WHERE WILL YOU BE IN 10 YEARS? I don't even want to think about that. I hate getting old.

WORDS TO LIVE BY: Let your light shine.